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Few advantages are fairer than a head start to the day’s race.

Santa Monica, CA


Beating up the sun changed my life. I was struggling to find enough hours in the day. Struggling to find a moment to calm my mind, to feel in control, to enjoy peace.


But then I discovered the serenity of having the world all to myself. I discovered how warming, energizing, and accelerating rising with the sun can be… and all of the competitive advantage that follow.


My hope is that by sharing some of what's working for me, other people might benefit too. My hope is for your best day, your greatest experience of life.


This is what Beat Up the Sun is all about.



  • 10:30am Rafi Lounge: Body. Mind. Flow. Yoga
    10:30am Rafi Lounge: Body. Mind. Flow. Yoga
    Sat, Jul 27
    Sweat Temple @ Rafi Lounge
    Jul 27, 2024, 10:30 AM
    Sweat Temple @ Rafi Lounge, 22741 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, CA 90265, USA
    Beat Up the Sun leads it's signature "Body. Mind. Flow." yoga class at Rafi Lounge in Malibu, CA. Register online at Classes run weekly: Mondays at 9:00 AM, Wednesdays at 9:30 AM and Saturdays at 10:30 AM. "Body. Mind. Flow. Yoga" is presented by The Perspective Project
  • 9:00am Rafi Lounge: Body. Mind. Flow. Yoga
    9:00am Rafi Lounge: Body. Mind. Flow. Yoga
    Mon, Jul 29
    Sweat Temple @ Rafi Lounge
    Jul 29, 2024, 9:00 AM
    Sweat Temple @ Rafi Lounge, 22741 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, CA 90265, USA
    Beat Up the Sun leads it's signature "Body. Mind. Flow." yoga class at Rafi Lounge in Malibu, CA. Register online at Classes run weekly: Mondays at 9:00 AM, Wednesdays at 9:30 AM and Saturdays at 10:30 AM. "Body. Mind. Flow. Yoga" is presented by The Perspective Project
  • 9:30am Rafi Lounge: Body. Mind. Flow. Yoga
    9:30am Rafi Lounge: Body. Mind. Flow. Yoga
    Wed, Jul 31
    Sweat Temple @ Rafi Lounge
    Jul 31, 2024, 9:30 AM
    Sweat Temple @ Rafi Lounge, 22741 E Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, CA 90265, USA
    Register online at or click the link below. Rafi Lounge is Malibu's premier wellness center. Join me for Hot Yoga in the Sweat Temple Mondays at 9:00 AM, Wednesdays at 9:30 AM and Saturdays at 10:30 AM. Thursday evenings are outside on the terrace, see schedule for details.


Citta Vrtti Nirodah

Written some 2,300 years ago, verse #2 out of 196 verses in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali reads

Yogas Citta Vrtti Nirodah. Here we have a clear concise definition of yoga:  the calming of the whirling and wandering mind. What is more practical than that? More than anything else, Citta Vrtti Nirodah is what my classes are all about. The physical practice, the vinyasa, the meditation, the philosophy, it is all in service of calming the mind so that our energy can be directed most efficiently toward its greatest purpose. 

Beat Up The Sun
Beat Up The Sun: 6 AM Yoga
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Yoga Morning Routine
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Breath. Mind. Body.  #yoga
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Sustaining Change
A Guide to Goal Achievement for the Rest of Us

Change is hard, but we tend to make it harder than it needs to be. That doesn’t mean that change is easy, but it can be easier than many of us are making it. Small differences in difficulty can lead to big differences in sustaining change.

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Sustaining Change Through

Old habits resurfacing and enthusiasm waning can feel like the beginning of the end or even failure. These moments are neither. They are valleys, and there are strategies for moving beyond them.


The Perspective Project is Beat Up The Sun's big brother. 


As a family, both share the same core values:


Growth | Heart | Creativity

Both share the same mission: creative solutions to life's challenges. Beat Up The Sun, as a morning routine, and as an invitation to yoga is one of many attempted solutions to life's challenges.

PP and BTS' success will not be measured by profit or revenue, but by the extent to which peoples' experience of life is positively influenced.

What works for one, may not work for another. Please take works, share that with the world, and then leave the rest behind.

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  • Apple Music
  • Spotify


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What change are you trying to sustain? If you care to share, I care to listen. Do you have feedback on a class? I’d love to hear it. You will be helping me grow. Song recommendations? Let's hear 'em. Is there something else on your mind? Drop it in the box!

- Namaste -

Thanks for submitting!

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Beyond yoga, I am a guitarist, author, math teacher, aspiring stoic, committed boyfriend, idealist and lover of creativity in all forms. I am a social media newbie that hopes to become a worthy follow, and I hope to surprise you in the weeks ahead. Lastly...

Our problems’ solutions require thinking, which is more efficient when the phone isn’t ringing.

Energized, and with an even mind, beating up the sun creates the time.

To think through our challenges and prioritize solutions, so that when we get to work it’s straight to execution.

Now we're doing, we’re on the attack, free from inbox tyranny, while the uninitiated react.

To summarize in a couple of words, it’s hard to get ahead, when you get out of the gate with the herd.

Smash your snooze button. Let's gooooo!

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