Few advantages are fairer than a head start to the day’s race.
Santa Monica, CA

Beating up the sun changed my life. I was struggling to find enough hours in the day. Struggling to find a moment to calm my mind, to feel in control, to enjoy a sense of peace.
But then I discovered "Beating Up The Sun." This morning routine of being up and moving, with the sun as it's rising, it changed everything. It created time. It created energy. It created peace. Instead of chasing my inbox, I was now setting the tempo for my day.
My hope is that by sharing what's working for me, you can benefit as well. My hope is for your best day, your greatest contribution, a beautiful experience of life.
This is what Beat Up the Sun is all about. Personal growth. Professional growth.
Powered by Yoga | Financial Freedom | Creativity | Sustaining Change | Morning Routine
- Multiple DatesTue, Feb 11LIVE Stream on the Brooke Burke App
- Multiple DatesTue, Feb 18LIVE Stream on the Brooke Burke App
- Multiple DatesTue, Feb 25LIVE Stream on the Brooke Burke App

Citta Vrtti Nirodah
Written some 2,300 years ago, verse #2 out of 196 verses in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali reads
Yogas Citta Vrtti Nirodah. Here we have a clear concise definition of yoga: the calming of the whirling and wandering mind. What is more practical than that? More than anything else, Citta Vrtti Nirodah is what my classes are all about. The physical practice, the vinyasa, the meditation, the philosophy, it is all in service of calming the mind so that our energy can be directed most efficiently toward its greatest purpose.


Sustaining Change
A Guide to Goal Achievement for the Rest of Us
Change is hard, but we tend to make it harder than it needs to be. That doesn’t mean that change is easy, but it can be easier than many of us are making it. Small differences in difficulty can lead to big differences in sustaining change.

What change are you trying to sustain? If you care to share, I care to listen.
Or do you have feedback on a class? I’d love to hear it.
Something else on your mind? Drop it in the box!
- Namaste -

Beyond yoga, I am a guitarist, author, math teacher, aspiring stoic, committed fiancé, idealist and lover of creativity in all forms. In addition to yoga, I teach personal growth concepts including financial freedom, creativity, meditation, morning routines and more.
The morning routine is dear to me because it was the force multiplier that accelerated everything else I was working on. As I was discovering my morning routine, "Beating Up the Sun," I began to realize:
"Our problems’ solutions require thinking, which is more efficient when the phone isn’t ringing.
Energized, and with an even mind, beating up the sun creates the time.
To think through our challenges and prioritize solutions, so that when we get to work it’s straight to execution.
Now we're doing, we’re on the attack, free from inbox tyranny, while everyone else reacts.
To summarize in a couple of words, it’s hard to get ahead, when you get out of the gate with the herd."
- Beat Up The Sun -